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Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Depressed and Non-Depressed Youth

The Children’s Integrated Mood and Body (CLIMB) Clinical Research Program looks at the relationship between mood and heart health in kids with depression. One of the ways to learn more about this connection is to compare kids with depression to kids without depression. This study compliments the work being done in the CLIMB Clinical Research Program by exploring differences in the biology of depressed and healthy youth.

What Do You Get To Do?

1. Have a blood test

2. Answer questions with an interviewer

3. Measure how quickly your blood flows

4. Complete some questionnaires

We are Currently Recruiting!

We want to hear from you if you:
  • Are between the ages of 12-17
  • Are female
  • Have no history of mental health or heart problems, metabolic problems or inflammatory disease
  • Are interested in research
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